Shelledy Elementary

Through the Seasons

Colorado Life Zones: Seasons, Plants, & Animals

Step 1: Choose One of the Life Zones or Choices Below

Life Zones Menu Bar
Colorado Life Zones General Information Interactive Elevation & Life Zone Diagram Colorado Maps: Life Zones and More Semidesert Shrublands (West CO) Shortgrass Plains Life Zone (East CO) Foothills Woodlands & Shrublands Montane Forests Life Zone Subalpine Life Zone Alpine Life Zone Riparian Life Zones

Alpine Life Zone: Seasons, Plants, & Animals

Step 2: Choose a Topic from the Alpine Life Zone & Scroll Down

General Information
General Information

Through the Seasons
Through the Seasons

Altitude Sickness & Sunburns
Altitude Sickness & Sunburns

Awesome Adaptations
Awesome Adaptations




Reptiles & Amphibians

Alpine Life Zone Through the Seasons

Most of the year, winter rules the alpine life zone with a thick blanket of snow. The snow is an important source for all of Colorado's rivers. Only for a very short time does it have warm enough weather to melt the snow for the ground to show (mid July to early September). In fact, some snow may stay on the mountain sides all year round.

Weather up here is really cold, wet, and windy. The weather can change from sunny and calm to stormy really fast! Since the alpine life zone is above tree line (above where trees no longer grow) storms can be very dangerous. First, there are not many places to hide from the wind, snow, and rain. Secondly, the land is steep, rocky, and slick. Most importantly, you have a lot higher chance of getting struck by lightning since you may be the tallest object and you are so close to the clouds, click on extreme weather to learn more.

For humans, the alpine can be a very dangerous place between the lightning, steep mountain sides, avalanches, snow blindness, freezing temperatures, and quick changing dangerous windy weather. In addition you can get altitude sickness and can get sun burned a whole lot easier and faster.

Alpine Spring Alpine Summer
Alpine Spring Alpine Summer
Alpine Fall Alpine Winter
Alpine fall Alpine Winter
Rain Shadow