Shelledy Elementary

Altitude Sickness & Sunburns

Colorado Life Zones: Seasons, Plants, & Animals

Step 1: Choose One of the Life Zones or Choices Below

Life Zones Menu Bar
Colorado Life Zones General Information Interactive Elevation & Life Zone Diagram Colorado Maps: Life Zones and More Semidesert Shrublands (West CO) Shortgrass Plains Life Zone (East CO) Foothills Woodlands & Shrublands Montane Forests Life Zone Subalpine Life Zone Alpine Life Zone Riparian Life Zones

Alpine Life Zone: Seasons, Plants, & Animals

Step 2: Choose a Topic from the Alpine Life Zone & Scroll Down

General Information
General Information

Through the Seasons
Through the Seasons

Altitude Sickness & Sunburns
Altitude Sickness & Sunburns

Awesome Adaptations
Awesome Adaptations




Reptiles & Amphibians

Altitude Sickness and Sunburns in the High Mountains

Hows the air up the there? Did you know that air has different density. Air is made of lots and lots and lots of tiny atoms (way more than anyone could count) that are flying around and bouncing off one another. As you get higher in elevation there are less of the atoms bouncing off one another. This means there is less oxygen for you to breath. Way up in the alpine it may take you two breaths in just to get the same amount of oxygen you get in one breath at lower elevations. You get out of breath and tired much quicker in the alpine than down in the plains.

Did you know some people can get altitude sickness in the mountains because they can not breathe in enough oxygen. You lose most of your energy, get dizzy, and have a difficult time thinking and making decisions. It can be very dangerous! If you start feeling this way when you are up in the mountains, then you need to head toward lower elevations to get more oxygen. For more information click on the following amazing website

Did you also know that you can get sunburnt much easier and quicker up in the mountains. There are less atoms bouncing around in the air to shield you from the sun's UV or ultraviolet light. Add in a bunch of snow that reflects lots light back up, and you can get sunburnt even quicker. When you go hiking, skiing, or doing any other activity up in the mountains make sure you bring the sunscreen.

In addition, you must be much more careful about storms and extreme weather click on extreme weather to learn more.

When you are in the subalpine and alpine be aware of altitude sickness and sunburns.

Oxygen Levels Diagram Created By and Altigen